Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bingo hangover!?

Why is it that the morning after a bingo shift I have what feels like a killer hangover?
Now I wouldn't mind the killer headache so much if working a bingo included some martini's, but it doesn't!
I guess it must be the smoke and lack of oxygen to my brain...oh well..I only have 18 shifts to do this year! ha ha

You have got to see this picture of Taz....this was taken after I heard him rustling around in the kitty litter box....
This picture screams... "What? Who me???"
Can you see the disgusting wet kitty litter stuck to his chin? Eeeew! What a dork!

And here he is having a snooze in my clean/folded laundry....bugger...but he is so cute!

Funny how different he looks with his ears up and his ears down. Different... but still cute!


Memory Junction said...

Tee Hee! Your dog is adorable! Kitty litter chin and all! ROTF! I moved the cat box "up" because McTuff used to the same thing... GROSS! So now, out of sight, out of mind!

Allyson said...

I just realized that if you click on the photo it will blow up...THEN you can really see the gross kitty litter! LOL

Taz still has a bad habit of wanting to eat his own poop after he goes...Now THAT is disgusting!

Allyson said...

ROFL...love the poopoo breath comment!!!