Saturday, November 25, 2006

November 25!

I guess that means it's just a month until Christmas!
Where does the time go?

I am not nearly prepared as I'd like to be. Yeah yeah....same old story!

Every year I want to make all of my Christmas Cards and mail them off to all of my friends and family early...but I never do! I usually rush around the week before and frantically mail out the most important ones and tell myself I will send more cards next year...but I never do...

Every year I tell myself that I will bake and bake and bake and have a freezer full of goodies to put out at Christmas...well, I DID bake a whole whack this year, but I already gave it all away to the bake sale at the gym. So if we want homemade goodies this year, I have to start all over again...

Every year I tell my husband that we are going to go all out and get the house decorated early and enjoy it! Not go running around looking to buy a tree three days before Christmas and then not have the energy to decorate it! I swear I have totes and totes of cool decorations and fun Christmassy things...that for the most part never see the light of day. DH thinks this is grounds for getting rid of them..."If you haven't seen them/used them for how many you really need them?" etc etc...Ummm....The answer is YES!

Every year I find all kinds of cool creative things that I want to make as Christmas gifts and every year I run out of time and energy. I start bookmarking magazine pages and even round up supplies...but somehow I never get around to it all.

Every year I tell myself that I will start Christmas shopping in the summer...when the stores are not crowded and the prices not as inflated...but so far I have one gift bought...

Hmmmmm....Not a great start with Christmas morning just 4 weeks away!

Oh well...I'm going to try anyway!!!

And if it doesn't all come together this year...there is always hope for 2007! LOL


Memory Junction said...

Love the last line... yep, there always is next year! With working this year, I don't know how much I'm going to get done either, but hey, we have a month to go sista!

Allyson said...

Saxby's...? That must be a yummy place to find baking? he he he