Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm a wimp!

It is sooooo bloody cold here - I can't stand it! And it isn't even officially winter here yet!!!
I hate having to warm up the car and scrape the windows, I hate wearing a big bulky coat and boots and STILL be cold, I hate the wet and mud that the animals drag in, I hate the cold drafts that are everywhere in this house...I hate it all! I definitely am not a winter girl!
I think I'd like to move somewhere a little more mild. Maybe once Noah is done school...what is that...7 more years! Ugh. Nope...I don't want to wait that long!


Memory Junction said...

I hear ya chickie... now I want command start for my van since I'm working and HATE that I leave work and get into a cold vehicle! Brrr... at home I have command start, more like, Donovan, go start the van! LOL!

Allyson said...

YEAH! I want that command start too!!!
I've just taught Noah to go start the car bad is that?