Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Blog! Why now? I very first Blog post!

I must admit that I have resisted the "urge" to Blog for quite a while now. But, like with my initial resistance to CD's & DVD's...I think I have finally come around! LOL
It's not like I don't read other people Blogs or that I don't know how to Blog....I have been web-savvy since I got my first PC with internet 10+ years ago and have met some truly AMAZING women chatting on-line. In fact some of my longest running friendships have been with those ladies I met on-line! ((( Hi Melissa & MaryAnne ! :) )))

So, why Blog now?

Oh, I don't know...surely it isn't because I feel that I have amazing things to share...or insight into the world we live in...or the magical recipe for a happy life....

But this weekend I've felt like I needed a change...some new scenery...a new creative outlet maybe?

There are always so many things going on in my life that I often don't slow down long enough to reflect on it. Maybe now I will force myself to keep current with my own sure seems that days, weeks and months fly by and I have nothing on paper to remember it by.
I do scrapbook...but really...I don't scrapbook *my* thoughts, even though I know I should. For the most part, my albums are full of pages about the kids....and usually, by the time that I get to the photos, the words I meant to write are a distant memory. So....we'll see if this helps!

Anyways...with my family and friends spread out all over the world...maybe this way I can actually stay connected with photos and the going-ons of everyday life in this crazy, procrastinating, over-committed, reality-tv loving, martini-enjoying, sleep-deprived, volunteer-aholic, caffeine-addicted persons life!

Ok, so my Blog goals are:
Slow down, write and reflect on my daily life
Expand on my journaling
Share my creations - photos, pages, cards
Keep in touch with friends and family
Make new friendships

And so it go grab your own Double-Double....and stay tuned!

PS - I REALLY hope this thing has spell-check!!!


Memory Junction said...

I may hold you to those goals sista! LOL! And to be mentioned... I'm honoured! ~blush~

Now it's my turn to get off the ledge and jump in to the blog world too... I'll let ya know when my blog is ready!


Allyson said...

LOL...I need to be held accountable!!!!

Kewl...can't wait to see your Blog!