Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Top 10 Life-Lessons from Noah's Ark

1. Always plan ahead.
There wasn't any rain in the forecast when Noah started building the ark.

2. Don't listen to your critics.
Listen instead to your heart, and then do whatever has to be done. The neighbors might have taunted when Noah was blocking their driveway -- but he had the last laugh as soon as the rain began falling!

3. Stay physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally fit.
You never know but that when you're 600 years old, someone might come along out of the blue and ask you to do something REALLY big!

4. Don't seek to go it alone.
Always travel, at least, in pairs, because two heads are better than one.

5. Speed is not always an advantage.
The cheetahs were on board, but so were the snails; and they all arrived safely on dry ground at the very same time.

6. Handle Conflict with certainty.
If you can't fight or flee from adversity -- at least make certain you have an idea that can float in the battlefield of ideas!

7. Don't miss the boat!
Never forget this underlying truth: that ultimately when all is said and done, we're all in the same boat!

8. Be flexible in your thinking.
Remember that amateurs built the ark while professionals built the Titanic and the Challenger Space Shuttle.

9. Remember that Fear is nothing more than "False Evidence Appearing Real".
The woodpeckers on the INSIDE are often a bigger threat to your overall well being than the storms raging on the outside.

10. Remain faithful and optimistic.
No matter how bleak things look, if God is traveling with you, there's always going to be a rainbow of peace on the other side of the storm.

I just finished a Circle Journal using these life I thought I'd share!


Memory Junction said...

I love this... did you do it in ~my~ circle journal? If not, I'll have to steal it to put it in myself! LOL!

Have fun in the snow... BAHAHAHAHAHA! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

Memory Junction said...

P.S. How the heck do you get it to write in different colours? I can't see the html code for colours anywhere? Maybe I'm blind, but I like it!

Memory Junction said...

P.S. How the heck do you get it to write in different colours? I can't see the html code for colours anywhere? Maybe I'm blind, but I like it!

Allyson said...

Nope...sorry chickie..this was in Haether M.'s CJ! But you can use it if you want!

There is a font color choice when you are typing your post.....maybe you are blind! I swear it is there!