Monday, October 16, 2006

Say it isn't so!!!

IT'S BEEN SNOWING!!! And it's COLD!!! And I am NOT ready for it! Fall I can handle but not Winter! Not yet! No, no, no, no, no!!! I am such a suck...I hate being cold, I really do. I should live somewhere else...somewhere more mild...somewhere tropical! Yeah!

My sister is back home and we made an excellent dinner tonight! Yummy comfort food.....Swiss Cheese Fondue, Vegetable Fondue, Hot Stone Chicken, Beef & Shrimp and of course...the best part...CHOCOLATE Fondue! Mmmmmmm!
However, while it tastes sooooo takes sooooo long to prep! But at least the leftovers can be used for tomorrows meals and everything is pre-chopped, cubed, sliced and shredded! I guess there is always a bright side!


Memory Junction said...

Oh... I love fondue! We usually save that for New Years Eve... which won't be too far down the line now will it? Hope you had a snowball fight in your snow today! Drive safely!

Allyson said... snowball fights. In fact most is now melted away...typical Calgary! LOL
The dogs however have managed to drag in a lot of wet mucky mud throughout the house!!!

Allyson said...

That's so funny...we have an exchange student living with us right now too...but he is from Germany, so he is used to some cold and snow!
I think what he isn't used to are the chinooks....cold and snowy one day and then warm and balmy the next! LOL