Saturday, October 21, 2006

The date!

Today is October moms birthday.

I just hit post to the novel that I wrote and realized that it is October 21st!
My sister and I both remembered earlier...but as the day progressed, I let it slip again.

My mom would be 67 today. But she has been gone for 11 years now...she died at 55 from cancer. It seems like she died so long ago...yet it also seems like yesterday. How weird. I miss her.
She would be so proud of my kids. It makes me sad that my kids have had to grow up without her. What they have missed out breaks my heart.
Happy Birthday Mom...I love you!

Today is also the anniversary of the date that Anthony and I met. Ooops! We both forgot that one!

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

It can't be an easy day... I dread the day something happens to one of my parents... they're such a big part of our lives. {{{hugs}}} to you bud!