Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday night at my house!

Last night, for the second time, we let Taz stay out of his kennel and sleep on our the middle of course! Oh how romantic!
Anyways...he slept from midnight till 6am when I got up with him to let him out. He is very good and does his business and will go right back to on the other more sleeping for me! Hubby thinks my insomnia issues are vitamin (the lack thereof) related and my sister thinks it is nutrition related...Oh c'mon! 5-6 large cups of tea per day WITH cream...that isn't nutrition???
So...I stay awake and toss around, then start remembering all the things I forgot to do yesterday and all of the things I want to do today etc. Good God...I need a personal secretary!

Dh gets up to go to work and drop the boys off in Airdrie to spend the weekend at another exchange families house. It'll be nice for them to get out and socialize with some new kids.

Noah spent the night at a friends house and was dropped off bright and early at 9:15 am. Here I am still in my jammies as I've been yakking on the phone since 8am! No biggie...that gives me 10 minutes to get her and myself ready to start the day.

She needs to be dropped off at her acting class, I need to bring a truck load of bags of bottles to the depot for the gyms bottle drive fundraiser. It's cold out and I'm kinda glad that I am not staying! Do I feel bad that I am not staying to help? Oh yeah. I have to remind myself that I partake in all fundraising endeavours and this will be one of the few things I just can't fit in...however I DID bring in about 20 bags of bottles that we have been collecting since the last bottle drive. That should count for something in my head!

I head home to pick up my sister Kathie as we are participating in Clip for the Cure!
$15.00 haircuts from our friend Leticia and Studio 21 Hair Salon...with all monies going to
Breast Cancer Research! We both get our hair cut...which will be my first trim in a year and a half! I am once again growing out my hair to donate to Angel Hair...which is donated real hair that gets made into wigs for kids that need to wear wigs. (because of cancer or other skin diseases) I need 12 inches to donate...and unless I go totally bald I am probably only at 7 inches. I really hate my hair but I am trying hard to resist the urge to cut it all off!
But never mind donating it...there might not be anything left as it is falling out by the handfuls...YUCK. stress? lack of vitamins? not enough caffeine?

Then my sister and I have to get to a Tim Horten's because I have not eaten or drank anything today and if I don't get a tea NOW I will implode. So I have to leave Market Mall and drive to NorthLand Mall...what a joke! There are not nearly enough Tim's around here! If I had a millions dollars...ha ha ha...I would buy one!
Since we are at the mall, she needs to buy a travel converter and by the time we find the right one for use in Thailand, it is time to drop her off at home and go get Noah.

Noah has a choice...go home and eat before diving or go get her hair cut for Clip for the Cure! As always...she make the right cut! Good girl! For a 10 year old, she is pretty aware of the need for Breast Cancer Fundraising! Hopefully it is not something that she (or I, or anyone else!) will need to deal with.
Her hair cut takes a while and there is just enough time to get her a soft taco at taco time (ohhhhh how healthy!) and get in the truck and speed towards diving.
The phone rings. It is the gym (again)...stuff to discuss. Stuff that isn't being done by anyone else...and that is ok...I like to know what is going on and have my say too. But I am not paying attention to driving and get stuck in a mob of traffic as there is so much construction in this bloody city! So Noah is 10 minutes late for diving and misses lots of stretching and conditioning...which I hate for her to miss! I quite like her coach so far...he is the head coach from the Lethbridge Dive club...he is very nice and patient but can push when needed. Noah is a bit afraid of some of the dives and it frustrates me to no ends! I have to keep reminding myself that this is her first year diving! She has skipped three levels of diving (because of her gymnastics background) and is diving with kids with more experienced than her. Anyways....I try not to look annoyed at her when she balks at going off the 3 meter springboard head first. LOL wouldn't catch me doing it!

After diving she is starving to death! So she gets ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread and a chocolate milk...hopefully that makes up for the taco time visit!
We head home...through the maze of construction once again. Me honking and muttering all the way!
Taz is so happy to see us...I love that...he puts his ears back, runs right at you and jumps around and licks whatever he can get at! It's sweet.
We wait for Anthony to get home as we are going to go drive by the new house and show Noah who has no idea what the heck we are planning on doing!
I took some pictures of the outside but I am feeling too lazy to download them tonight.
We keep timing the drive there...without any traffic it is about 20 minutes from our current house heading east.

Afterwards we grab a bite for dinner....Joeys Only. Probably not the best choice...but it needed to be fast as Taz was in the car. I have fish and shrimp with baked beans. Noah has fish, shrimp, mashed potatoes and steamed veggies. The waitress praises her "healthy" now she is happy with herself. But then gets miffed when I say no to dessert! Silly girl!

We head home and drive by some other houses that are for sale closer to where we live now. I wonder...why move now? We should just flip this house and wait for the next better one in the are we want to be in! Instead if we move to this new house, we will be farther away from everywhere we want to be. Oh well...nothing has been decided I will have to wait and see what we do.

Noah is excited about the Triple Flip shoot and scours their website for pose ideas and proceeds to practice her modelling faces and moves. It's cute. Then comes the gymnastics practice. Handstands on the beam mostly. Why this kid cannot keep them held for longer I'll never know. Ok...I'm sure it is her ab muscles...but how do you tell a 10 year old to work on her abs when she already spends so many days a week in a gym?! And look at my abs...I don't even have any! HA!

DH is mad because I am tired and he is bored. It's 9pm. He wants to go to a movie. I don't. I would rather watch mindless tv and veg out. We compromise on renting a DVD. So he goes to the video store and is gone 30 minutes or more and comes home empty handed! He claims there was nothing good to rent. Ah men! I'm sure that I could have found something that I'd like!

So here we are at 11pm and we are both at our respective computers in different rooms! How cozy!

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