Monday, August 10, 2009

The important 5....

5 positives about my darling hubby:
1) Was so amazing when we were all in shock over the death of our friends 18 year old daughter. He was so helpful with Jack, made himself available for whatever; driving us around, coming to the funeral, visiting the family etc. It was such a tough couple of weeks and he was so "there" for us.
2) I'm so lucky that my hubby works his ass off when he can. Sometimes it's too much, but I know he does it for us. (Today will be a 12 - 13 hour day!)
3) Loves to rent movies and hang out at home...with me!
4) Went to pick up my girlfriend and her daughter (Noah's BFF) at the airport at 9:30 pm as Jack was eating and I couldn't go...even though he was dead tired!
5) Is always up for inviting people over to visit, or for dinner or drinks. So social! (unlike myself at times)

5 Self-Care Actions:
1) Went with Noah & Jen for pedicures. I have the cutest purple toes you ever did see!
2) Have been organizing my scrapbook stuff at our old house so I can actually get some pages complete when we move back.
3) I've been very good about taking my calcium and vitamin D supplements.
4) Registered (and attended) the first of 4 Baby & You classes through the Health Region. It's so nice to get out and be with people in the same boat!
5) Went to a meetup for breakfast (at Cora's... mmmmmmmm) with two total strangers and their babies! Ack! So not me...but I enjoyed it!


Pink Heather said...

Congrats, Allyson. Jack looks adorable :) I'm so happy for you and Anthony!

Allyson said...

Well HI Heather!!! nice to hear from you! Thanks so much for the congrats...we are thrilled to have had Jack...and it only took 10 years! LOL