Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Jack is 4 months old!

At 4 months old, Jack....

Weighs 15 pounds (50th %)
Length is 24" (25th %)
Head 41 (25th %)

  • Loves his sister who can always make him smile
  • Loves his brother who is home from Europe now
  • Likes to stand up if you are holding his hands
  • Rubs his eyes when sleepy
  • Has figured out how to suck his thumb
  • Has figured out how to suck his fingers
  • Still loves his soother (soothie, susie, sue-sue)
  • Has never had anything other than breast milk
  • Saying Abu-Dabu-Dabu to him always gets a big grin (?)
  • Has at least one nap a day in his crib
  • Has learned to belly funny!
  • Has one ear that is more pointed than the other...a little 'elf' like...
  • Loves to "converse" with mom & dad
  • Wears size 2 diapers
  • Tried Pampers for the first time and they stink! P.U.
  • Still has beautiful bright blue eyes
  • Has finally noticed the dogs when they walk by
  • Sleeps between 6 - 7 hours straight at night
  • Still has his baths in the baby sink tub
  • Has never had any kind of diaper cream on his bum
  • Is not as keen about laying in his stroller bassinet when awake
  • Has met his Armstrong/Mikita cousins from BC
  • Nurses between 5- 7 times a day (average 6)
  • Went to see a Pediatric Surgeon about his Umbilical Hernia
  • Can sit up in his Bumbo
  • Had his first shower and didn't cry until it was time to dry off!
  • Is drooling like crazy
  • Wears size 3 - 6 months, size 6 months & size 6 - 9 months clothes - depending on brand
  • Can roll from his back to his right side...but not over!
  • Favorite new toy is his Sophie Giraffe! a super happy baby! We are so blessed!


Memory Junction said...

Sniff, sniff! He's getting so big! Donovan had a hernia just like Jack's and it went away on it's own... no surgery required!

Allyson said...

The hernia seems to be getting I'm hoping it just goes away.......