Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big baby = Baby on Monday....

So I'm kinda flipping out.

Last Thursday I went in for a bio-physical ultrasound - which was used to determine the size of the baby. Looks like baby is big - ok - we knew that...I'm huge! LOL At that point he was measuring 7 pounds at 35 weeks - with 5 weeks to go and gaining an average of .50 - .75 pounds per week....he'd be getting MUCH bigger by my due date. And I guess that the baby's tummy is measuring too big - in the 95% percentile - which is not so good. Now - this can be caused by my blood sugar levels which I have been trying to control but my body is just working against itself and they are what they are - kinda out of control! Which the Doctors assure me, is not my fault in any way. I'm eating really well, smaller meals more often, taking insulin and barely gaining anything.

So I went in today for my 36 week appointment with the OBGYN. The nurse measures my fundal height – it is 40!!! It should be about the amount of weeks pregnant you are - so I should be about 36. Hmmmmm.....I am now measuring 4 weeks larger than I should be.

Baby has not dropped at all…he is still happily tucked up as high as he can be in my ribs - not at all engaged or ready to come out. I have to report that my sugars are still a bit out of whack and they checked my blood pressure - which is a little high at 120/90 from what I’ve been keeping it at (I’m still on meds to keep it low and under control).

The Dr. comes in and reviews my bio-physical u/s from last week and is a little concerned at the baby’s belly size. So then he does an internal check to see how my cervix is – Apparently it is “ready” he says and 1 – 2 cm dilated already. Ok he says – we’ll induce Monday at 37 weeks.


No way! I’m thinking – no way can I have this baby on Monday! I have still another week of work – I am not ready to pass anything off…my files need attention..I have LISTS of things I wanted to leave for my replacement and I just have too much to do, I have my work year-end audit/going-away lunch next Wednesday, the crib is on order and is at least another 3 weeks or more away, Anthony & I have only done 2 out of 6 prenatal classes, I have a board meeting to attend, both sets of my BIL/SIL’s are away – one on a week ski trip the other in Hawaii for two weeks, my own sister won’t be here from Thailand till April 2nd, my baby shower is supposed to be on the 29th, OMG – I don’t even have a freakin’ diaper bag and anything ready that needs to be. I have so much to get yet – nursing top/pj’s, slippers and housecoat for the hospital, all baby stuff in general…ACK! Not to mention that Noah has a big competition in Lethbridge the following weekend and another in Edmonton the weekend after that…so…NO, I can’t have a baby on MONDAY!!!

Well, it looks like I don't really get a say. Baby is coming next week whether I like it or not - whether I am ready or not.

OMG….I am a basket case!

I know so many other pregnant moms that would be thrilled to be delivering 3 - 4 weeks early - but I'm just not. I don't feel ready - I'm NOT ready! I'm enjoying being pregnant and was looking forward to finishing work next week and taking a couple of weeks to relax and prepare for our new stage of life with our new baby.

It's all out of my control now!

And I really wanted an April baby. Sniff sniff - I want my Easter baby!!!


Memory Junction said...

Just say the word and I'll be there! LOL!

Allyson said...

Awwwww - how about Monday at 9 am? LOL