Wednesday, July 09, 2008

being positive

So I'm still reading "that book" that I was talking about a few posts ago...the one where I won't maybe post the name just yet...(gotta see how this plays out, first! ha ha)...but there is a group of women that also subscribe to the theories in the book that have an Internet group that I belong to and one of the things you must do each week is share 5 positive things about your husband.

Because I know that I am not perfect...and I know that I tend to hide affection and emotion...this is my new accountability to being positive about my husband. This can - and maybe should, also be done for your children...but this is where I am starting...
so here is me being positive...

5 positive things that I must say about my spouse this week....

1) I appreciate that my husband is here at home with me...right now...waiting patiently for me to get off the computer.

2) I love that my husband went on a wild goose chase looking for "Collins" glasses and "parfait" spoons at the mall one day.

3) I'm grateful that my husband drove my DD and the girl she is babysitting to swimming lessons this week.

4) I was happy that my husband took our friend and myself to earls (after her wedding shower) for martini's when I know he would have rather went home to bed.

5) I appreciate that my husband was nice to me when I had a bit of a hangover after said martini's.

Not too hard...but it took a little bit of thinking.

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