Tuesday, May 06, 2008

12 hours to go....

Until we leave for Mexico that is. I'm still doing laundry....very, very typical of me.
I am very excited and so is Anthony - he is almost giddy!
I so happy that we are going early to spend a few days alone before the rest of the wedding party/guests arrive. Anthony & I don't go away on too many trips alone so this will be a goody! 11 days of paradise!

The BIG event of the week.........
My SIL Laura gave birth to her first baby - Ben. Dad Greg is so proud and they are all doing so well. He is sooooooooo cute! And Anthony is totally in love with him - it's so sweet!

We have been going crazy on the North Haven house as well as the Dalhousie house just trying to try up loose ends. The work will go on while we are away but Anthony is feeling some stress at letting go - God only knows what'll happen while we are away...and something always does!

A big thanks to all of my friends that are stepping in to help take care of Noah while we are away. You are all so awesome - And I am so grateful that you are in our lives.

"It takes a village to raise a child." ~ African Proverb ~

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