Thursday, February 07, 2008

Oh my Omega....

So last weekend we flew to Abbotsford, BC to attend a gymnastics meet at the Omega Gymnastics Club. On Friday we went to Granville Island and had lunch at that great seafood restaurant "Bridges" overlooking the harbour. I had a smoked salmon, cream cheese, caper and onion pizza...YUM! Then we did a little bit of shopping around, got some snacks and fresh fruit for the girls. We found a great kids clothing store that sells tons of great Roxy stuff - So we bought Noah a few cute outfits. We also went to a great little wine specialty shop and I picked up two bottles of local white Pinot wines...but I brought them home to enjoy later!
We then headed to our hotel to check in. Noah and I stay in our own room in order to avoid the distractions of sharing and other peoples routines. It was a nice hotel but they totally lie and tell you that each guest gets a complimentary 15 minute massage....uhhh...we never got one!

We spent the next two days at either the hotel our the gym club. It was a great club and we enjoyed their hospitality for sure. But I got crazy sick Saturday night...and still am, actually!
Noah had the worst meet of her life...and I am worried that it will stay with her. She did a downgraded bars routine...the same one she competed two years ago. She fell on her back-walkover/back-handspring combination on the balance beam, she totally missed her round-off/back-handspring/full twist on floor and landed on her side. She was loose on her half-full twist vault and landed on her stomach. Ouch...definately her worst meet ever!
She should have won gold on every event. She ended up with two silver medals, a 5th, a 6th and 4th all-around. Now that doesn't sound too bad...but it was out of 7 girls!!!

So here is my top 10 list of what to make sure we do at the next meet to avoid this from happening again:
10) Make sure the gymnast gets at least her normal 10 hours of sleep.
9) Make sure the gymnast is not in a room with a mother who is ill all night long.
8) Make sure the gymnast does not eat chinese food take-out the night before.
7) Make sure the gymnast eats more than just a banana for breakfast.
6) Make sure the gymnast does not have to take care of her sick mother the morning of the meet.
5) Make sure the gymnast does not have to pack the suitcases of the sick mother the morning of the meet.
4) Make sure the gymnast eats her snacks during the 6 hours she is there.
3) Make sure the gymnast warms up her full twist rather than go to the bathroom.
2) Make sure the gymnast does not get just one foot taped with a heel pad that makes her unbalanced!
And the number ONE reason....
1) Make sure the gymnast does not fall on three out of four events!

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