Saturday, January 19, 2008

Happy 2008!

Ok - so this is my New Years Post:

Happy New Year Family & Friends!

Just in case you were wondering, this year our family took a challenge and chose to not send Christmas Cards. The money that we didn’t spend on cards and postage, went towards a donation to the Calgary Herald Christmas Fund. More about that later on!

Our family has had a very busy 2007.
We bought another house in a community called North Haven here in Calgary – it was a little bungalow on a great corner lot. Since we took possession, we’ve ripped it down to the basement concrete and have been building a two story house. We had hoped to move in before Christmas- but alas, the house is behind schedule. Now we are hoping to move in by the end of February. At that point we will do a small renovation on our Dalhousie house and sell it. We are hoping to move into the Charleswood/Collingwood area of Calgary so both Jordan and Noah will be close to their our move to North Haven will definitely not be our last.

Jordan graduated grade 12 this past June – but we missed the ceremony as he was still in Germany finishing up his second student exchange trip. Jordan is now in his first year of Post Secondary school at the University of Calgary. If you know, it is a tough school to get into, so we are very proud that Jordan made it in! His major is in German (Language and Studies). He is still thinking about his Minor – he is considering taking a second degree in Education or International Relations. But just this morning we talked about a minor in Fine Arts/Photography and becoming a travelling photographer around the world! Who knows...but it is just the beginning of the journey for him.
Jordan quit his job at Boston Pizza and now works for Edelweiss – a little German gift shop, importer, restaurant/deli/bakery...a very cool little place! He is trying to save up to go to Germany to take a year of University there as well.

Noah is in grade 6 and still attending a Spanish School. She made the honour role this past semester – so we are incredibly proud of her for making that accomplishment while being so busy training 4 – 5 days a week as a competitive gymnast. She is just gearing up for her competitive season (about 8 – 10 meets this year). We will be travelling to BC the first weekend in February and attending a competition in Abbotsford. Hopefully we will not all get evicted from out hotel like a certain other meet we went to last year! ha ha
Noah has also been taking acting classes again – something she is so great at as she is a natural drama-queen! She just finished competing in the CanSpell Spelling Bee for her school...but she lost out on her second word. She also recently signed herself up for the Junior Miss Calgary competition and was in the top ten!

Noah and I spent two weeks in July in Texas attending a gymnastics training camp. It was a great experience and one we hope to do again next year. In August, Anthony, Noah and I went to Europe and met up with Jordan there. We spent some time in Germany and Austria where we dropped Noah off for another gymnastics training camp. Then Anthony, Jordan and I went on to visit the Czech Republic and Poland. Both totally amazing countries! It was quite the whirlwind trip but worth every second of it. I can't WAIT to go back to the Czech...I'd love to live there. Specifically in tiny little place called Czesky Krumlov!

Anthony is super busy working 6 – 7 days a week on our houses. We are now on our 5th project. It sure keeps him busy but he loves it. Plus he sneaks in dirt biking whenever he can!

I am still the President of the gym club and spending a great deal of time there. My term is up next June so I am trying to decide what my next move will be. Run like hell or stay on and keep the gym headed in the right direction. Sounds like an easy choice when you know the time and effort that I put into but – it’s like a child...hard to give up on.
Unfortunately my blood pressure is through the roof again – so I’m trying to work on correcting it to a manageable level.

I also took on a 3 -4 month project for the Calgary Herald overseeing the financial administration and accounting for the Calgary Herald Christmas Fund – in which we were trying to raise One Million dollars for 14 worthy Calgary Charities that are trying to help the working poor in our city. It is a great project and I’m happy to be a part of it.

Our little puppy Taz is still so cute and fun and as spoiled as ever. Sydney is getting old but she keeps up with Taz just fine when she wants to. Herman – our tabby is doing well considering he has a chunk of fur missing from what appears to be a big cat brawl! Bad cat!

So that is the current events of our life.

We are so busy and it seems that we don't have the time to keep up with all of our friends and family - but I sure hope that all are happy and healthy and looking forward to 2008!

Much love & happiness always...

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