Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Yup - I hate birthdays.
And maybe that would explain why I am sitting at the computer listening to the awesome music of Jenny Allen, drinking a cold Twisted Raspberry Smirnoff and posting to my blog!

Jordan called home to say HB from Berlin this afternoon. Sounds like he is having fun...what else should you expect from a teenager abroad??? Yikes...I don't even want to think about it actually! :0

My friend Alana stopped by this afternoon to have a cocktail and to bring by some gifts that she and Noah had picked out for me.
I got some cool yummy goodies from LUSH...and a beautiful silver bracelet from Swarovski. You got great taste kid!
DH gave me a KitchenAid mixer that I have been eyeing for about 5 years and a big set of kitchen & steak he trying to tell me something?

This past weekend was a big one. Our club hosted our 19th annual invitational meet. We went big this year and rented out a hockey arena/community centre...but it was a huge amount of work, but I think we pulled it off...although there is always room for improvement. That's me the perfectionist speaking.

Noah did pretty well this weekend in her competition. 3rd place all-around. I thought she could have pulled of 2nd or 1st...but hey, 3rd is ok too. She still has three meets to go this season so we'll see what she can pull off.

Now I need to find the club a home... 3 weeks and ticking until we are homeless. Lucky me. Not!

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ally... Sorry I missed it... I have been run off my feet around here too trying to get my life organized post hockey, pre lacrosse! Man! We'll be in Calgary for lacrosse the July weekend...will you guys be around? We should make some PLANS sista! :o)