Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A setback...

Well...my not-so-darling son has been at it again...getting into trouble at home! I just can't understand kids who have it so good...why screw it up? I never had it as good as my son does...a roof over his head... in fact a whole basement to himself with a computer, stereo, TV, DVD player, video games etc., food in the fridge, an overflowing freezer full of both healthy and junk food, parents that care, a sister who adores, cute pets that don't judge, good friends... ( some) that are awesome, a job he enjoys and best of all... not one, but TWO 3 month exchange trips to Germany! (PLUS a whole summer of backpacking around Europe!)

Anyways...the current situation is stressful to say the least...I really thought that we were way past all this crap. I guess only I thought so.
It's pretty quiet around here because when I get mad I usually keep it in otherwise I always say things I regret.
Tomorrow Anthony and I are meeting with an AADAC counsellor to discuss the issues we are having and hopefully come up with a plan to set this kid straight. Not really what I'd like to be dong 5 days before Christmas!
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Thanks for the good wishes. :)
We'll see how this goes...We have another appointment in January for DS to go to.
They also offer parent discussion groups as well and we might check that out for ourselves.