Saturday, December 30, 2006

The eve of the eve....

Tomorrow is New Years Eve.

As of this moment...10:29 pm... we have no set plans.
Booooooring...I know.
Although the reality is that my life is really more busy than boring! LOL

Jordan had to work until at least midnight at BP's and Noah has been invited to at least three different sleep-overs.
My in-laws invited us over to hang out...but, well, we have done that like 5 times this week already!
I suggested to DH that we take the night and go out for a really nice dinner (if we could even get a reservation somewhere) but he really wants to do something with his brother and his wife that are here from New York.
But I really, really, really do not feel like heading out to a bar or a pub.
I would really rather stay home alone and rent a good chick flick.
How anti-social of me, I know.

So as of 10:37 pm still no plans.

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