Friday, October 20, 2006

Oh boy...what did we do?

Well, the offer we made last week to purchase a house was accepted today.
I am happy yet apprehensive.
It is a bit of a long story, but it took the realtor a week to find and convince the current owner just to accept the offer and to sell us the house.
From the outside, the house looks pretty normal...but the inside is another story...OMG...what a freakin' gross mess! I'm talking punched in walls, cigarette burns on everything, words painted and smeared with some kind of green gel all over the walls, doors kicked down, padlocks on bedroom door jams, kids clothes and baby toys strewn all about, garbage and empty booze bottles everywhere, stairs missing, windows and glass doors smashed and so on.
I know, I know...WHY would we WANT to buy this? Well...first of all...when this lady bought the house one year ago, it was the most expensive house in the whole area! And now, we are buying it for about $200,000 less than similar houses in the area we know that we can fix it up the way it was and still make a profit on it when we sell it.
The owner still has to sign the transfer papers on it really isn't final until then...and since the owner is a bit of a wing-nut (aka drug addict), I am holding my breath until then....Oh boy, I hope that I am not jinxing it by talking about it now!
I am planning on taking my camera next we go there and taking pictures so I'll share some once I take them!

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