Monday, October 23, 2006

Not such a happy day!

Today was a trying day....trying on my feelings, my pride, my whole perception of my role as a good parent.
All I have to say is that my not-so-darling son is in a lot of trouble! He was sent home from school after lunch today for being "under the influence".
Naturally, he didn't call ME, but rather Anthony, which is probably a good thing, because I would have killed him upon first sight!
I am pretty disappointed in him and this's actually a little embarrassing! I do realize that he will be 18 next year, but still....he lives under my roof and needs to live by our rules.
I have always prided myself on having raised great kids with great heads on their shoulders...and now this. It's a pretty big blow to your parental ego. This kid has so much going for him and then he goes and does this! How stupid!
I guess he doesn't value his free-ride to Germany this spring...'cause it's pretty slim that he'll be going now! However, the complete consequences have yet to be determined.
Seriously.......I need a Valium and a bottle of wine!


Memory Junction said...

Oh wow... Jordo! I'm sorry Ally... I don't know what to say! What about Marcus? Was he "under the influence" as well? I know if it was my kid, I too would be seriously re-thinking letting him go, especially since you've mentioned that he hasn't really been doing all that good in school... man! This bites! {{{hugs}}} to you, and call me later if you need to vent in person! I should be home tonight!

Janice said...

I just typed a very long reply telling you how we handled our son's me if you want to hear it.
But good luck and big hugs to you as I have "been there, done that" and so understand your dilema

Allyson said...

Thanks guys...we had to go to the school at meet with the vice-principal...not fun.

Janice, I will drop you a line...all advice is appreciated! :)