Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Frustrating Day!

Do ever have one of those days that is just frustrating all around? That was yesterday and today combined!
I just do not understand some people!!! I am trying very hard not to respond in the same fashion as their ignorance........isn't the saying....... if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? Yup. I'm sticking with THAT! I have to thank some good friends for letting me bend their ears today and get my frustrations off my chest! Thanks for your support GF's!
I am still a little miffed at my world so I'd better not post anything further about it all in order to save myself from deleting it all later! LOL

Aside from poor DD was hoping to get into a photo shoot for her very favorite clothing company TRIPLE FLIP, but ended up 3rd on the waiting list for a spot! The company sends out a mass e-mail to their customer list and then the first 24 girls to reply get to be in the ad campaign...professional hair and makeup, cool clothes, a photographer etc.... DD wants to be a model and actress (in addition to being a gymnastics coach of course!) so this is a big deal to her.
This is her second time trying this year and I feel so bad for her being just short of getting her name in on time. Last time she was 7th on the waiting at least she is closer this time.
I just hate seeing her so disapointed...and in fact, I am too! I have spend way too much money at that shop (way, way, way TOO much!!!) it feels like she should deserve it!
Oh's hoping that 3 kids can't make it! What are those odds?!!!

Ok...lets there anything on The Bright Side?.....hmmmm...there has to be something good about today....
Oh sister made some seriously YUMMY Indian Food for dinner! It was super spicy for me, ( a spice wimp!) so I didn't eat a ton of it...but it was soooo good!
And then I made ( chocolate fondue for dessert! Double yum!

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

Sounds like we both had "one of those days" Ally... here's to a better tomorrow! {{{hugs}}}