Sunday, September 09, 2012

2013 Nominate a Role Mother - Rebecca Ghelfi - Role Mothers

2013 Nominate a Role Mother - Rebecca Ghelfi - Role Mothers

We are looking for some support in voting for Made by Momma Vice President - Rebecca Ghelfi - who has been nominated as a 2013 Role Mother. If she is one of the top 4 finalists, our charity will also get a $1000.00 donation! Whoo Hoo! You may vote once per IP address/computer until September 29th.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Well, well, well....

It's been a while my old friend! I know, I know.....too long. I just popped over to find an old photo of Jack's umbilical hernia.... LOL
I have about a dozen blog posts in draft form...but seriously have not had time to sit down and focus on editing & posting them. This year has been insane....4 kids, a busy husband, a poor neglected dog, running a growing charity with over 250 volunteers...there isn't much time left for momma. Ok - I admit - my new obsession is Pinterest! That site is so many awesome ideas, recipes, crafts, home decor projects.....I LOVE it!!! BUT - I really do enjoy blogging....we'll see if I can squeak some time in to get into a groove again.