Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Jack is Eight Months!

Eight Months Old!

  • Can roll over on his own! YAY!
  • Says DaDaDaDa all the time.
  • sweet!
  • Snores. awwww
  • No teeth!!!
  • Had a little cold/sniffles. His first hint of any illness.
  • Wears size 6 - 9 months clothes.
  • Size 3 Huggies diapers.
  • Bangs his toys together.
  • No teeth yet!
  • Likes to grab his feet...and taste them. ew.
  • Does not seem to mind wearing a winter hat too much.
  • Loves his brother and sister and always giggles for them.
  • Drinks water by himself with his new sippy cup.
  • Does not enjoy getting strapped in the carseat when he is hungry or tired.
  • Can sit by himself without falling over. Most of the time.
  • Likes to "pet" the dogs and then pull their hair. Poor pups!
  • Is very content to play by himself for long periods of time.
  • If you say "bang, bang, bang" he will hit the table/floor/book/highchair 3x with his hands.
  • Knows his name when it's called.
  • Loves all things electronic...cell phones, cameras, laptops, remote controls...ugh.
  • Will complain, cry, scream when something is taken away from him and he still wants it. (see photo below, when the #8 was taken away!)

.... is perfect in every way!