Friday, October 23, 2009

7 months old!

7 months old!


  • Likes going to library programs - storytime & singing are the best!
  • Loves to chew on books!
  • Reaches for toys and things he wants.
  • Says da-da-da-da and La-la-la-la
  • Rolls onto his side, but not over.
  • Likes to drink water from a cup...but it makes a mess!
  • Has yet to watch a kids tv show or dvd.
  • Loves his Excersauser and Jumper-Roo
  • Will bounce up and down in either if you tell him to "Bounce-Bounce-Bounce"!
  • Can wave by opening and closing his fingers...only on his left hand and not always on command!
  • Loves to play with the tags on anything!
  • Stayed in the nursery at Church while mom was with her MOPS group.
  • So far likes solids...he started with Avocado, then Banana, the Organic Rice Cereal...
  • Has never had formula.
  • Got a super cute high chair and loves to sit in it!

 a super cool little guy!