Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Jack is 5 months old!

What's up at 5 months?


  • Always has HUGE smiles when he wakes up from his naps
  • Loves to chew/suck on his Sophie Giraffe
  • Has soft blonde hair on his toes & fingers
  • Babbles and sings
  • Went to the Zoo for the first time
  • Sat in a highchair for the 1st time (at the zoo!)
  • Is a very efficient nurser - average 5 - 8 minutes from start to finish
  • Seems to be throwing up less
  • Loves to look at Pooh, Tigger & Piglet on his baby wipes container
  • Has long, full gorgeous eye lashes!
  • Kicks one leg (usually his left) when he is going to get upset
  • Tends to grab things with his right hand
  • Has met his 2nd cousins Jordan & Jorran (SP?) from China
  • Goes to bed between 9 - 10 pm and sleeps till 5- 7 am - YEAH!
  • Has a bath with Noah in the BIG tub and loves it!
  • Likes mom to rub his gums...there is something coming in there soon!
  • Moves around on his circles usually...
  • Gets easily distracted when nursing...all noises MUST be meant for him!
  • Happily SCREAMS...he loves to hear himself!
  • Got a Baby Einstein Jumper and loves the toys, but he can't bounce yet.
  • Has slept 9 hours straight a few times! :)
  • Likes to suck on a wet (or dry) cloth
  • Has a fairly predictable eat-activity-sleep routine.
  • Has tiny flecks of green/brown around his pupils...but his eyes are still really blue!
  • Is great at pulling out his soother...not too great at getting it back in though
  • Can grab, kick, shake his toys - although not with too much precision
  • Goes to sleep happily & easily (95% of the time)
  • Drank breast milk from a sippy cup and liked it! But it was messy!

Is the BESTEST baby ever!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The important 5....

5 positives about my darling hubby:
1) Was so amazing when we were all in shock over the death of our friends 18 year old daughter. He was so helpful with Jack, made himself available for whatever; driving us around, coming to the funeral, visiting the family etc. It was such a tough couple of weeks and he was so "there" for us.
2) I'm so lucky that my hubby works his ass off when he can. Sometimes it's too much, but I know he does it for us. (Today will be a 12 - 13 hour day!)
3) Loves to rent movies and hang out at home...with me!
4) Went to pick up my girlfriend and her daughter (Noah's BFF) at the airport at 9:30 pm as Jack was eating and I couldn't go...even though he was dead tired!
5) Is always up for inviting people over to visit, or for dinner or drinks. So social! (unlike myself at times)

5 Self-Care Actions:
1) Went with Noah & Jen for pedicures. I have the cutest purple toes you ever did see!
2) Have been organizing my scrapbook stuff at our old house so I can actually get some pages complete when we move back.
3) I've been very good about taking my calcium and vitamin D supplements.
4) Registered (and attended) the first of 4 Baby & You classes through the Health Region. It's so nice to get out and be with people in the same boat!
5) Went to a meetup for breakfast (at Cora's... mmmmmmmm) with two total strangers and their babies! Ack! So not me...but I enjoyed it!

Gotta get Giggles.....