Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Jack is 4 months old!

At 4 months old, Jack....

Weighs 15 pounds (50th %)
Length is 24" (25th %)
Head 41 (25th %)

  • Loves his sister who can always make him smile
  • Loves his brother who is home from Europe now
  • Likes to stand up if you are holding his hands
  • Rubs his eyes when sleepy
  • Has figured out how to suck his thumb
  • Has figured out how to suck his fingers
  • Still loves his soother (soothie, susie, sue-sue)
  • Has never had anything other than breast milk
  • Saying Abu-Dabu-Dabu to him always gets a big grin (?)
  • Has at least one nap a day in his crib
  • Has learned to belly funny!
  • Has one ear that is more pointed than the other...a little 'elf' like...
  • Loves to "converse" with mom & dad
  • Wears size 2 diapers
  • Tried Pampers for the first time and they stink! P.U.
  • Still has beautiful bright blue eyes
  • Has finally noticed the dogs when they walk by
  • Sleeps between 6 - 7 hours straight at night
  • Still has his baths in the baby sink tub
  • Has never had any kind of diaper cream on his bum
  • Is not as keen about laying in his stroller bassinet when awake
  • Has met his Armstrong/Mikita cousins from BC
  • Nurses between 5- 7 times a day (average 6)
  • Went to see a Pediatric Surgeon about his Umbilical Hernia
  • Can sit up in his Bumbo
  • Had his first shower and didn't cry until it was time to dry off!
  • Is drooling like crazy
  • Wears size 3 - 6 months, size 6 months & size 6 - 9 months clothes - depending on brand
  • Can roll from his back to his right side...but not over!
  • Favorite new toy is his Sophie Giraffe! a super happy baby! We are so blessed!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So sad...

I feel like shit. I barely slept a wink last night. Tossing and turning and thinking and worrying.
Yesterday afternoon Noah called home from diving to tell me that a friend of ours daughter had died. I didn't even believe her at first. The news had come straight from her friend, the girls youngest sister. I am in shock. This girl was a retired gymnast from our club. Actually she was the first person Noah and I drove to Red Deer to watch compete when Noah first started in competitive gymnastics so many years ago.
She was just 18 years old. She just graduated high school. Her mom showed me the grad photos of her and her boyfriend. So cute and in love. Oh...she was so young. So much life ahead to live. Why? Why her? Why anyone? Why so young?
I just feel so, so sad.
I feel heart-wrenching pain for my friend, her mother - who must be going insane right now.
Her poor little sisters. Her dad, her friends....
I just want to hug my kids and never let them out of my sight. Life is too short as it is. A tragedy like this is so hard to handle, but they do remind us to live each day like it could be your last.
Oh man...I just don't know....