Saturday, July 14, 2007

I have a blog.

I was reminded today that I have a blog. I know I should update it more often...I have a million thoughts and I do hundred things each day but I guess it's a time thing. No time = No Blog Updates.
Plus my laptop is on the if I want to get on-line I have to share the computer. Bah...who wants to share?!
However - I do seem to find the time to hop on facebook every day. What a bad addiction!

So...what's new?
Our house is freakin' is hotter in our house than it is outside right now.
It is sick. Even with a cool fan blowing right on you all night long, I'm still sweating. So gross.

I ran into my old next door neighbor on Thursday - Kim. It was weird...Noah, Anthony & I went to the gym for our buildings Stampede BBQ Lunch and sitting at the same table with the gym staff was Kim. Even though I hadn't seen her in 8 years, I recognized her right away. Neat!
We were able to catch up a little bit, but hopefully will get together for happy hour one day soon.
It sure made me realize all of the friends I left behind when we moved. Sad! But that is my bad...I am horrible at keeping in touch. I guess that is why it is such a great idea to have this blog...people can read all about me whenever they want saves me having to write so many e-mails...ha ha ha!

Noah & I leave for Texas next Saturday for two weeks. That should be fun...if not interesting! We are heading to a gymnastics camp - Noah will train and I am going as a volunteer. She is too young to ship off to the states all alone for two weeks. I dunno...maybe she is old enough - but I'm not senile enough.

We are also still planning on going to Europe for two weeks in August. Anthony is being resistant as the timing is bad. But I really think it is the last chance that we can do something cool with both Noah and Jordan...they are both getting older and Jordan will be going to UofC (cross your fingers) in the fall. I think it will be so neat to show the kids where I used to live and where I went to school and all of the places I went to when we lived in Germany. When will we have that opportunity again?

We also really want to make it is Australia before Anthony's brother & wife move back to Canada. Hopefully we can swing it to go in early January. No kids. (Says Anthony...what party pooper!)

I'm feeling sad for my GF...she and her DH are going through a really rough patch and my heart just goes out to her. I actually feel sick about it...she is so hurt and shocked and it is so hard when someone is hurting and they are so far away. I wouldn't even know how to deal the way she is. I wish I was there...but sometimes it just has to work itself out but I'm really hoping for the best.
It sure has made me think about my own easy it is to get complacent. I have tried my best over the past month to make an effort to be a better wife. That's hard. I don't think it should be easy...but a happy marriage is a lot of freakin' work!
I think being a good wife is a lot harder than being a good mother. Interesting.

On that thought - I'm getting off the computer.